Tuesday, February 17, 2009

There are plenty of clothes I could probably live without

The "Keep Watch" Leggings from Mishka's Spring '09 Hallelujah collection are NOT one of them.

I've been playing down my wardrobe lately, keeping everything simple and cute as possible, while still being cuter than everyone else. I haven't touched my leopard jeans in months. I figure it's time to start working my personality more than my clothes/work with them more together. Okay back to the leggings, they are amazing. I don't care how simple and cute my wardrobe may get, i will probably always love crazy leggings. I saw a picture of adorable LA dj Gina Turner wearing them like a month or two ago and I was wondering why I had never seen them on the Mishka site before. Well, they are on now the Mishka site. Now they just need to come to all the fun little boutique stores in San Francisco so I can be happy.


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